Saturday, October 9, 2010

There she goes...there she goes again....

Don't know who sings this song, or what it's called, but it's become somewhat of an anthem around here - relating the my youngest, Taylor. As we pulled out of the driveway to take her to Florida her freshman year of college, the song came on the radio. We laughed as we cried...
I didn't hear it this morning, but there we were again... early morning fall drive to Detroit airport. Freshman year - Florida, Sophomore year - Ireland, Junior year - Honduras. Yes, Honduras!
Taylor took this semester off of school to focus on deciding where she wanted to go with her major (thankfully, she has decided & is on track for spring). Well, she also figured she has time off, she might as well go somewhere & why not Honduras??
She is going with Honduras Children to volunteer with the schools there helping kids learn English. She is very excited to see this part of the world, meet new, interesting people, learn the language & mostly, work with the kids in that part of the world. While we are all obviously concerned, I felt much more comfortable after talking with Eve, the American who has started the organization & coordinates all the volunteers. She assured me that she "wouldn't send anyone elses' babies anywhere that she wouldn't send her own babies". Her children have made many, many trips there with them.
As I sit, with phone in hand, waiting to hear that she has arrived to the volunteer house safely, I am reservedly excited (if that is a right phrase...) I don't think there ever comes a time when we stop worrying about our children, "are they making the right decisions", "will they know what to do", what if, what if... However, Taylor is our wildflower. She has a passion for traveling & meeting people. Things seem to always work out for the best for her. But, more than the worries, I am so very proud of who she has become. With each adventure, she has become more mature & much friendlier! It's awesome to see her grow as a person and to see what she takes from the people's lives that she touches & whose lives have touched hers. I am also impressed that as a 20 year old, she is willing to spend her well earned money doing a mission trip as opposed to buying purses, shoes & nights out. She lives in the moment & wants to devour all she can! We just try to be sure that she does so sensibly & responsibly - so far she hasn't let us down.
Please keep in touch with Taylor via Facebook & email (they do have internet at the volunteer house). She would love to hear from you. I'm sure she'll be posting tons of pix soon. If you are the praying sort of people, please put in a prayer for her safe travels. It's much appreciated.
Thanks for listening - take care!

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