Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stud Muffins

OK, these little guys were dressed to kill. Besides their Xmas outfits, we did some shots of them in their little man outfits. Who has a brown, suede blazer for an 8 month old? Too adorable!!! I love the shot of little Jaggar, even though he has a really unhappy scowl on his face.

Mom & her little Man

Lisa and her handsome son, Nathan, came by for a Holiday session. I can't believe Nathan is 5 already. I've been doing birthday pix of him since he was a year old. He's become such a sweet little young man!

Never Too Cold

Still able to do sessions outdoors - this family looked great in their sweaters & coats. I think I like it when the park is a bit barren - it doesn't detract from the beautiful people!

Expect the Unexpected

I never know what to expect when I do Xmas portraits for my brother in law, sister in law & their 2 kids! Cheryl always has "creative" ideas for their sessions. Unfortunately, this year my display is rather traditional, so we had to keep things a bit mellow. Still had fun with them, though. No Scruffy & Cupcake this year, either - maybe next time, guys!

More Holiday Shots

A few more peeks at Holiday sessions from this weekend

Holiday sessions rollin' along

Kicking the Holiday sessions into full gear with 7 this weekend. I love catching up with families that I have photographed before, kids that I have watched grow, and meet new clients, as well. I had a great mix this weekend of newborns, families & toddlers. Love the little santas & snowmen!
Holiday Sessions are continuing through Dec. 9th only. Order deadline is Dec. 14th.

Holiday Light Parade

Maumee held their annual Holiday Light Parade on Saturday evening. I decided to enter a "Serendipity" float in the parade this year. We've always attended the parades & thought this would be a great way to get our name out there! My "float" obviously paled in comparison to many others, but it was fun nonetheless! A huge thanks to my helpers; Nicole & her 2 friends, Katie & Andy, were candy passers. My niece, Corryn, her friends Kylie & Hannah, and my nephew, Noah were to ride in the float with me-posing as kids having their holiday portraits done. When the candy passers were bombarded with kids, the girls disembarked the float to help pass out candy. I was left looking awkwardly like a middle age Prom Queen on the float. Thank God for Noah! He did a great job wishing all a Merry Christmas from the float. (Sorry Chrissey, about all the suckers he ate - I had to keep him happy - he was my last hope) I can't forget to mention Joe, our skilled driver. It was quite the challenge to maneuver the route, avoiding all the kids & the Newfoundlands who were the entry in front of us!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to all!
It was great to see those of you that I was able to see - thanks for giving us a shout - I was able to hear some over the noise of the generator! The parade certainly kicks the XMas spirit in gear - hundreds of strangers wishing one another a Merry Christmas! Such a small town, Lifetime movie kinda feeling!
More parade photos will be on Serendipity Photography Facebook!


Wow-what a busy week! I'm not even going to go into how hectic it's been - just going to say what I'm Thankful for - I'm thankful for being so busy!!! How fortunate am I that I am able to work at a job that I truly love. I'm so thankful that my business has grown to the point that it keeps me busy 24-7!
Oh yeah - obviously - goes without saying - also incredibly thankful for my awesome, wonderful, amazing family! Without the support of my husband & girls, I would not be able to do what I do each day!
While we were able to spend the holiday & weekend with family, Joe, the girls & I, also spent part of Thanksgiving Day serving dinner to those who are not so fortunate. The Cherry Street Mission provides an incredibly needed service to those that have nowhere to go for the holiday. It is both heartwarming & heartwrenching to see these humble people socializing, dining with one another, then walking alone down the street to wherever...Did you count your blessings?
Here's a few pix of some of my blessings!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday kiddos

A few shots from some recent Holiday sessions. Holiday sessions are ongoing now through December 9th only!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Abercrombie boys

I also shot these handsome guys last fall & got to see them again last week. I was blown away last year at how at ease they were in front of the camera. Ethan seriously could do Jr. Abercrombie ads - if they had Jr Abercrombie! They were a bit sillier & playful this time, which I love. I thought I would lose it when they just about toppled over into the stream. Funny how Moms don't always see the humor in this stuff as I do!

The Cuties!

I photographed these little cuties last fall & was thrilled to see them all again. Believe me, trying to capture 3 kids under 4, all looking the same direction, possibly with smiles is a bit tricky! Maybe that's why I tend to prefer the candid shots of the kids interacting & playing. Landon did wonderful, Whitney does ridiculously amazing for a 3 year old - she totally works the camera. And little Max, well, he's a busy guy at this age - we were able to bribe him to sit for a few seconds with Cheerios! Hope you all had a great dinner - I'm still thinking about the cinnamon bread!

Recent sessions

A few images from this past weekends' sessions. Courtney & I had a wedding at Nazareth Hall on Saturday, then a day of sessions on Sunday. Hope everyone enjoyed our bonus warm Saturday!

Erica & Ryan had some indoor engagement shots done with beautiful Morgan!
A generational session with these 3 lovely ladies. I can't believe Jaclyn is a young women already- and absolutely adorable to boot!