Friday, May 28, 2010

Covered Porch - whew!

Some shots from our rain cover on the porch during yesterdays May mini session.
I'm sure that mom would agree that Molly, Ellie, Caroline & Tess always are so loving to one another. No fighting, always smiling & hugging... well, they look like it in the photos

Mini session -schmini session

yeah, sessions are supposed to be short sessions & only have 10-12 images - well, sometimes that's a bit difficult to stick to. Especially when your subjects are so ultimately adorable.
We have known this family of girls for some time & they hold a special place in Nicole's heart. She has watched them grow up over the years. We were both stunned to see them pull up with Molly actually driving!! Not only are these girls gorgeous, they are so genuinely sweet - and also sassy at the same time - the best combination!
Unfortunately, as we were all set up by the barn, it began to downpour. We made a mad dash for the covered porch & were able to get some more shots there. I think these girls would have posed all night - we just needed to avoid the lightening & rains. Good thing, if we would have had more shots, their parents would never be able to choose.
It was so much fun to see you all again - have a great summer!

Mini session kick off - 2010

We were able to get May's mini session in on the raindate... almost without rain!
It was bright & sunny for Luke & Julia's session - trying to keep Luke in areas that I wanted him was a bit tricky. He is non stop! I always say that trying to photograph 2 year olds is like photographing popcorn popping!
Luke & Julia came to a mini session last year, so it was great to see them again. Their mom, Amy, understands the value of the mini sessions - get a quick session (with your super busy children), get some great images & save some big $$$.
Enjoy your summer, kids & see you soon!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A.W. Senior Rep #2 - toledo area senior photography

Hayley is my second Anthony Wayne senior rep. Wow- these girls out there set the bar pretty high! We started the session at Wolcott House for some pretty shots for Mom. We then headed towards downtown for some "urban" stuff...taking a detour at a spot I have been dying to shoot at. I noticed this old train car from the highway a while back & my husband & I scouted out how to get there.
Hayley was all up for it, although I think her mom was a little unsure...I think the images speak for themselves - totally awesome. I was pretty impressed with myself for being able to hop up onto the train, especially after 2 weddings the day before (maybe I'm not really that old). It was pretty rough inside the train, to say the least - but Hayley hammed it up & went along with it. She has some absolutely unique images to show off!

Mary, Mary

I photographed Mary's sister last year and was thrilled to work with them again. Mary is a true beauty - stunning features & she held up so well in the 86 degree heat! Thanks, also, to Kyle for being a great dog handler.

Katie & the mini-me's

One of my Sunday sessions was Katie - the daughter of high school friends of ours. She brought along two of her friends, who also are the daughters of high school friends. When they all walked in & lined up, I literally had to stop for a moment. What a flash back in time! Thanks, Pam, for bringing Katie to me to photograph this important time in her life - it was great to see everyone.
We did part of Katie's session at Toledo Botanical Gardens. Her grandmother is very involved with the gardens & Katie volunteers there in the summer, so it was a natural choice.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Connor - big brother in waiting!

Connor is going to be a big brother in a couple weeks & Mom is trying to get things off her To-Do list before the baby arrives. So, we squeezed in a session at Wolcott - Connor is such a handsome little guy - loved his little vest & his baseball jersey. Can't wait to meet the new baby in a bit!

Carrie & Richard's Engagement - toledo area wedding photography

Getting caught up on blogging... We shot Carrie & Richard's engagement session last weekend at TBG. It's looking beautiful out there! Nicole will be shooting their June wedding - I'm sure it will be a great day - they are so sweet with one another. Enjoy the wedding planning!

Jilllian - AW Senior rep. - toledo senior photography

Jillian is one of my AW Senior reps. & I went to high school with her parents. Nostalgia... so funny to see old friends in parent roles, although I've been a parent for more years than I can count. Jillian was a blast to photograph, absolutely adorable & was super patient while Joy & I reminisced. Have a great senior year, Jillian!

2010 & 2011 Senior sessions ongoing!

Michael graduates in a matter of weeks & finally relented to have a senior session done. Congratulations on your graduation, Michael.

Lake Senior Rep - toledo area senior photographer

I'm really enjoying getting to know my senior rep. kids! I did family photos for Ashley's family several years back - crazy how fast these kids grow. Ashley is such a fun, bubbly, smiley girl - rather difficult to get some serious shots - her smile is just too pretty!
Enjoy the summer & your senior year at Lake, Ashley! And thanks, Hayley, for assisting!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Special little lady -toledo children's photographer

Little Miss Addison has had one heck of a year, but you would never know it. She has endured more than most of us could imagine and continues to deal with medical issues, appts, therapies & procedures - all the while playful & smiling. She warmed up to me super quick, was very playful & outgoing for her session. She was the typical 3 year old - busy, busy - like trying to photograph popcorn popping. The image of her throwing her arms up sums it all up - Yay - Addison's Here!!