Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bella!!!!!!! Toledo area children's photography

Oh, Bella - what can I say?! I have photographed Bella on a regular basis since her newborn portraits. Her mom was referred to me & we hit it off instantly. I truly look forward to her sessions as it is like getting together with old friends. Taylor shot along with me on this session & agreed that these are some super fun "clients".
Isabella is an amazing little creature - absolutely adorable, but also as sweet as she can possibly be.
Her "mini" session was, of course, on one of our lovely hot, humid Ohio mornings. I was hoping to get a chance to "showcase" some of my super cute little outfits, but thought Bella would melt before we could try most of them. We started out in her own sweet little outfit, then started having our "rock star" model some of the other things I brought. We were able to get through all of the outfits with not a one complaint! Besides a short union break with water & goldfish crackers, she rocked out this session with style! I suppose I'll have to do several entries to show off all her outfits - too cute to not include them all!
Thanks, Erin, for allowing me to push the limits of your rock star super model babe!! Love you both!

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