Thursday, January 21, 2010

Help for Haiti

Just wanted to put a plug out there for anyone able to contribute in any way to the tragic crisis in Haiti. There are so many legitimate organizations that you can donate relief items or cash. If you're a music lover, check out I just joined that tonight.
I received an email from a family member who has a friend doing medical work in Haiti - she gave me a direct address that we can send medical supplies to help them in their work. As I packed up 30 bottles of Motrin & Tylenol (adult & children's) and protein bars to send them, I felt almost embarassed at the little amount that I would be sending them. They need soo much more - wholesale size bottles of meds (not to mention the fact that their injuries require much heavier pain meds than Tylenol!) However, I just try to imagine that my little box will give some bit of relief to someone - whether it be a child with a fever or a medical team worker going on little sleep and little food. Please remember this - every little bit helps. Their needs are incomprehensible & will continue long after the media hype grows tired. Please do what you can...thank you

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