Saturday, February 5, 2011

Izzy! Toledo area childrens' photographer

Izzy is another contestant in the Cutest Kid Contest I am participating in. It is a charity fund raiser for Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (
Izzy was a bit shy when she arrived, not unusual for a two year old. It took us about 45 minutes to get her to become unglued from Mom. I shot some pictures of "Boots" and showed them to her. Hilarious to her! We were then able to get her in a chair, but still no smiles. My daughter, Taylor, came in just then & I called her into the studio. Within a matter of seconds, Izzy was laughing hysterically. Seriously?! I mean hysterically laughing! Only later did Taylor show me the faces that she was making over my shoulder to get Izzy laughing. So funny...but whatever it takes to get a smile...

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