Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Computer crazy!!

Mercury needs to get out of retrograde - now!!! At least that's what Nicole says messes up all the technology... I've been fighting computer issues all day. My online proofing galleries are suddenly 1.2 gigs over space, so I am unable to upload any new galleries. I've spent all day deleting expired galleries & still don't have enough space. How is it that I can delete 800 + images & still not be able to upload 31 images??!!
I will now need to stick to my policy of having a deadline on the online galleries. Orders can still be placed once the galleries are removed, just not viewable through the website. Please call me with any questions. If you have galleries ready to expire, please get your orders together before Fall season gets into full swing - I'd greatly appreciate it! Hope you're all surviving this retrograded Mercury thing!!

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