Wednesday, August 19, 2009

North to Alaska

Just returning from our Alaskan family cruise. I apologize to those who have been trying to reach me, delayed response time in returning messages & especially those waiting on albums... I'm finally caught up on wedding editing & orders, but still behind on album production. I'll get there - please continue to be patient with me!

We spent the last week celebrating my in-law's 50th wedding anniversary on an Alaskan cruise. There were 11 of us in total & we had a great time. It was odd leaving the flipflops & sunscreen & donning North Face fleece in August, but we actually had pretty good weather. If you call 60's good weather for August! At least we had some beautiful blue skies. Our excursions into Alaska were the best; I went on a "photo safari" that took us to the Mendenhall Glacier & then whale watching. The whales were absolutely incredible. I expected to maybe see some tails or fins; I was totally amazed when we were able to watch multiple whales breaching & doing "bubble net feeding"! No, I didn't know anything about this before the excursion - I learned all I know about whales on the 3 hour trip. Sittiing out on the bay (or inlet or whatever it was), watching these amazing creatures & listening to their calls, while surrounded by incredible mountains & glaciers - totally awesome! It truly made up for the motion sickness I experienced on the ship!

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