Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holiday Light Parade

Maumee held their annual Holiday Light Parade on Saturday evening. I decided to enter a "Serendipity" float in the parade this year. We've always attended the parades & thought this would be a great way to get our name out there! My "float" obviously paled in comparison to many others, but it was fun nonetheless! A huge thanks to my helpers; Nicole & her 2 friends, Katie & Andy, were candy passers. My niece, Corryn, her friends Kylie & Hannah, and my nephew, Noah were to ride in the float with me-posing as kids having their holiday portraits done. When the candy passers were bombarded with kids, the girls disembarked the float to help pass out candy. I was left looking awkwardly like a middle age Prom Queen on the float. Thank God for Noah! He did a great job wishing all a Merry Christmas from the float. (Sorry Chrissey, about all the suckers he ate - I had to keep him happy - he was my last hope) I can't forget to mention Joe, our skilled driver. It was quite the challenge to maneuver the route, avoiding all the kids & the Newfoundlands who were the entry in front of us!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to all!
It was great to see those of you that I was able to see - thanks for giving us a shout - I was able to hear some over the noise of the generator! The parade certainly kicks the XMas spirit in gear - hundreds of strangers wishing one another a Merry Christmas! Such a small town, Lifetime movie kinda feeling!
More parade photos will be on Serendipity Photography Facebook!

1 comment:

Becky said...

You're so is a Lifetimey movie moment. Bummed I missed it!