I am such a bad blogger...always apologizing for being sooo far behind on blogging. However, just wanted to take a minute to wish all you awesome Moms out there a Happy Mother's Day!
Of course, I wish my own Mom a special day, but I also want to send out some lovin' to the girls that make every day a special Mother's Day to me! I wouldn't be the Mom that I am without my amazing three daughters! I am so proud everyday knowing that somehow we have raised three bright, independent, compassionate little beings in this big world.
We didn't have the "typical" Mother's Day that many do - we had Chipotle at home for lunch, then drove Taylor to the airport to send her off to Spain for the summer. Yes, one more adventurous trip for our wildflower. Although I love having all my "chickens in the coop", I know Taylor is following her heart and her passion by heading off for the summer to once again be an Au Pair.
Instead of worrying (which I still do, even if I try to convince myself otherwise), I am content in knowing that Taylor is confident and independent enough to brave traveling alone in order to live her passion. She is truly intrigued by cultures & customs & finds a way to travel & make money at the same time. This is her passion. Likewise, I am so proud that Nicole & Courtney know their passions & live them everyday. Nicole is an amazing teacher who loves her "kids" and puts her all into teaching them & showing them the world in the 9 months that she has with them. And I have never seen anyone with as much dedication & commitment to not only her dogs, but to the strays and neglected animals out there as Courtney. Between volunteering with the Humane Society & driving dogs to rescue homes, she finds the time to be the best, most loyal dog owner to her two (somewhat needy) dobes!
So, thank you girls, for the wonderful Mother's Day - I loved our little lunch, my gifts ( David Gray #4 show - woohoo!!!) and for making every day a special day for me! Love you all!